I’ve been whirlwinding it the past few weeks, as school’s started, small group’s back up and running, and the farmers’ market goes strong for two more weeks. My graduate class started, too (can you say Friday night classes and all day Saturday classes are a breed unto themselves? filled with falling-asleep-behinds and the intense urge to run). The theatre company I work for is eagerly awaiting auditions in two weeks, and we have a production meeting tonight.
Sometimes I think I don’t need God. And then things like this happen:
I forgot something Monday.
I forgot SOMEONE Monday.
And I wanted to curl up and die.
One of my Latin students from last year transferred to a different school, but she wanted to continue studying Latin.
Of course I’d love to keep working with her! Monday the 16th at 5? Awesome. See you then.
But I didn’t see them then, and I didn’t get the email until the next morning, and I would have rather cleaned the bathroom five times than feel so much shame.
Because I remember one time being forgotten. I was fourteen or fifteen and I was writing a short story cycle with my writing tutor. She was (and continues to be) one of my absolute favorite people, but there was this one time when she forgot me. I sat there waiting but she didn’t come. It wasn’t really a big deal, but I still remember it.
And here I was, ten years later, doing the same thing.
Maybe it isn’t about God, you say. Maybe you just need a flippin’ planner.
Which is true.
But really it comes down to the fact that my head isn’t screwed on straight, and that more often than not comes from my inability to set my eyes where they belong. I read my Bible this morning and felt disconnected and my mind wandered:
Wait, so how much money should I be saving?
Ugh, I really want a doughnut right now.
Did I email that woman about selling pastries at the farmers’ market?
Shoot, I never delivered those candles. Ugh.
~ ~ ~
I sent an email back. I apologized left and right, falling all over myself, saying I would drive to their house and make it up to them.
I haven’t heard back.
What is it about humans that makes us need constant reminders that life is too big for us? I get into the groove of things, I tell my Creator Thanks, man, see you Sunday, and things are great for awhile.
Things are still great.
But praise God for not letting us coast for too long. Hopefully that little girl and her mama will forgive me, because Latin and learning are too fun to just throw away because I’m a scatter-brain.
[If this picture doesn’t say it all…]