So I’ve been a little busy chaperoning my 8th graders’ D.C. trip.
I haven’t been answering my emails.
I’m loving this spring weather. And eating at a restaurant right next to where Lincoln was shot.
I have a thousand text messages, but I’m just too busy checking out national monuments to reply.
My coworker loves showing me around. We’re really bonding.
And I’ve been eating super healthy on this trip. I’m determined to come back thinner than ever.
The kids are getting a little tired of looking at my pigtails that look like piglet-ears from Winnie the Pooh, but I forgot a hairbrush, so they’ll have to do.
I’m Jim’s righthand-man, and he loves posing for pictures with me. I’m the bad-cop in our co-teacher relationship: “You’re out of dress code! Spit out that gum! You’re late for homeroom again! Give me your cell phone!”
All these 8th graders really know how to brighten my day. There isn’t a moment when I’m not wearing the same exact smile on my face this entire trip.
So, if you’re looking for me, I’m a little busy hanging with the coolest almost-high-schoolers ever.
[Fear not – permission was obtained before posting these pictures.]